diff options
authoralex2018-10-23 00:15:28 +0100
committeralex2018-10-23 00:15:28 +0100
commit9120ee3691856275086357d053f1d39ddaa8fa18 (patch)
parent19716c3afbf5902e208a32215dd1c63ec7c5a9f6 (diff)
fixed some bugs, fixed some debug behaviour, changed over to a command -> method map to avoid sending spurious messages
3 files changed, 101 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/wat/bot.go b/wat/bot.go
index b51948d..7ffbf07 100644
--- a/wat/bot.go
+++ b/wat/bot.go
@@ -15,6 +15,12 @@ type WatBot struct {
Nick string
+var allowedChannels = []string {
+ "##wat",
+ "##test",
+ "##sweden",
func NewWatBot(config *irc.ClientConfig, serverConn *tls.Conn) *WatBot {
wat := WatBot{conn:serverConn, Nick:config.Nick}
wat.Db = NewWatDb()
@@ -42,8 +48,17 @@ func (w *WatBot) Admin(m *irc.Message) bool {
return m.Prefix.Host == "tripsit/operator/hibs"
+func (w *WatBot) AllowedChannel(c string) bool {
+ for _, allowed := range allowedChannels {
+ if c == allowed {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ return false
func (w *WatBot) Msg(m *irc.Message) {
- if !strings.Contains(m.Prefix.Host, "tripsit") || (m.Params[0] != "##wat" && m.Params[0] != "##test" && !w.Admin(m)) {
+ if !strings.Contains(m.Prefix.Host, "tripsit") || (!w.AllowedChannel(m.Params[0]) && !w.Admin(m)) {
@@ -56,7 +71,7 @@ func (w *WatBot) Msg(m *irc.Message) {
- if len(args) < 1 && args[0] != "wat" && args[0][0] != '#' {
+ if len(args) < 1 || (args[0] != "wat" && args[0][0] != '#') {
if args[0][0] == '#' {
diff --git a/wat/db.go b/wat/db.go
index 81f111b..5784acb 100644
--- a/wat/db.go
+++ b/wat/db.go
@@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ type Player struct {
Watting int64
Anarchy int64
Trickery int64
- Coins int64
+ Coins int64 `gorm:"default:'100'"`
Health int64
LastMined int64
LastRested int64
func (p *Player) Conscious() bool {
- return true
+ return (p.Health > 0)
func (p *Player) Level(xp int64) int64 {
@@ -89,6 +89,6 @@ func (w *WatDb) Update(upd interface{}) {
func (w *WatDb) TopTen() []Player {
var user = make([]Player, 10)
- w.db.Limit(10).Find(&user)
+ w.db.Limit(10).Order("coins desc").Find(&user)
return user
diff --git a/wat/game.go b/wat/game.go
index 306bb93..fdb4cc5 100644
--- a/wat/game.go
+++ b/wat/game.go
@@ -12,71 +12,80 @@ import (
type WatGame struct {
bot *WatBot
db *WatDb
+ commands map[string](func(*Player,[]string)(string))
+ lifeCommands map[string](func(*Player, []string)(string))
func NewWatGame(bot *WatBot, db *WatDb) *WatGame {
- return &WatGame{bot, db}
+ g := WatGame{bot, db, nil, nil}
+ g.commands = map[string](func(*Player,[]string)(string)) {
+ "wat": g.megaWat,
+ "watch": g.Watch,
+ "watcoin": g.Balance,
+ "send": g.Send,
+ }
+ g.lifeCommands = map[string](func(*Player, []string)(string)) {
+ "steal": g.Steal,
+ "frame": g.Frame,
+ "punch": g.Punch,
+ "roll": g.Roll,
+ "quest": g.QuestStart,
+ }
+ return &g
var currency = "watcoin"
var currencys = "watcoins"
var unconscious = "wat, you're too weak for that."
-var helpText = fmt.Sprintf("balance <nick>, watch <nick>, inventory <nick>, topten, mine, send <nick> <%s>, roll <%s>, steal <nick> <%s>, frame <nick> <%s>, punch <nick>", currency, currency, currency, currency)
+var helpText = fmt.Sprintf("watcoin <nick>, watch <nick>, topten, mine, send <nick> <%s>, roll <%s>, steal <nick> <%s>, frame <nick> <%s>, punch <nick>", currency, currency, currency, currency)
var rules = "A new account is created with 5 hours time credit. Mining exchanges time credit for %s: 1-10h: 1 p/h; >10h: 10 p/h; >1 day: 50 p/h; >1 month: 1000 p/h."
// missing
// invent, create, give inventory
func (g *WatGame) Msg(m *irc.Message, player *Player, fields []string) {
reply := ""
- switch strings.ToLower(fields[0]) {
- case "wat":
- reply = g.megaWat(player)
- case "rules":
- reply = rules
- case "watch":
- reply = fmt.Sprintf("Watting: %d (%d) / Anarchy: %d (%d) / Trickery: %d (%d) / Coins %d Health: %d", player.Level(player.Watting), player.Watting, player.Level(player.Anarchy), player.Anarchy, player.Trickery, player.Trickery, player.Coins, player.Health)
- case "help":
- reply = helpText
- case "topten":
- reply = fmt.Sprintf("%s holders: %s", currency, g.TopTen())
- case "balance":
- reply = g.Balance(player, fields)
- case "mine":
- reply = g.Mine(player)
- case "send":
- reply = g.Send(player, fields)
- }
- if reply == "" {
+ if g.commands[fields[0]] != nil {
+ reply = g.commands[fields[0]](player, fields)
+ } else {
+ switch strings.ToLower(fields[0]) {
+ case "rules":
+ reply = rules
+ case "help":
+ reply = helpText
+ case "topten":
+ reply = fmt.Sprintf("%s holders: %s", currency, g.TopTen())
+ case "mine":
+ reply = g.Mine(player)
+ }
+ }
+ if g.lifeCommands[fields[0]] != nil {
// Nothing was handled. Maybe this is an action that requires consciousness.
if !player.Conscious() {
reply = unconscious
} else {
- reply = g.WokeMsg(m, player, fields)
+ reply = g.lifeCommands[fields[0]](player, fields)
}, reply)
-func (g *WatGame) WokeMsg(m *irc.Message, player *Player, fields []string) string {
- reply := ""
- switch strings.ToLower(fields[0]) {
- case "steal":
- reply = g.Steal(player, fields)
- case "frame":
- reply = g.Frame(player, fields)
- case "punch":
- reply = g.Punch(player, fields)
- case "roll":
- reply = g.Roll(player, fields)
+type PositiveError struct {}
+func (e PositiveError) Error() string {return ""}
+func (g *WatGame) Int(str string) (int64, error) {
+ i, e := strconv.ParseInt(str, 10, 64)
+ if i < 0 {
+ return 0, PositiveError{}
- return reply
+ return i, e
func (g *WatGame) Roll(player *Player, fields []string) string {
if len(fields) < 2 {
return fmt.Sprintf("roll <%s> pls", currency)
- amount, e := strconv.ParseInt(fields[1], 10, 64)
+ amount, e := g.Int(fields[1])
if e != nil {
return "wat kinda numba is that"
@@ -86,7 +95,7 @@ func (g *WatGame) Roll(player *Player, fields []string) string {
n := rand.Int63n(100)+1
ret := fmt.Sprintf("%s rolls a d100 (<50 wins): It's a %d! ", player.Nick, n)
if n < 50 {
- player.Coins -= amount
+ player.Coins += amount
ret += fmt.Sprintf("You win! Your new balance is %d", player.Coins)
} else {
player.Coins -= amount
@@ -128,7 +137,7 @@ func (g *WatGame) Frame(player *Player, fields []string) string {
if len(fields) < 3 {
return fmt.Sprintf("frame <nick> <%s> - d6 roll. If < 3, you force the target to pay me. Otherwise, you pay a fine to the target and myself.", currency)
- amount, e := strconv.ParseInt(fields[2], 10, 64)
+ amount, e := g.Int(fields[2])
if amount <= 0 || e != nil {
return "wat kinda number is "+fields[2]+"?"
@@ -160,11 +169,15 @@ func (g *WatGame) Frame(player *Player, fields []string) string {
return ret
+func (g *WatGame) DiceRoll(prefix string) string {
+ return ""
func (g *WatGame) Steal(player *Player, fields []string) string {
if len(fields) < 3 {
return fmt.Sprintf("steal <nick> <%s> - d6 roll. If < 3, you steal the %s. Otherwise, you pay double the %s to %s", currency, currency, currency,
- amount, e := strconv.ParseInt(fields[2], 10, 64)
+ amount, e := g.Int(fields[2])
if amount <= 0 || e != nil {
return "wat kinda number is "+fields[2]+"?"
@@ -176,18 +189,18 @@ func (g *WatGame) Steal(player *Player, fields []string) string {
return err
if target.Coins < amount {
-// return fmt.Sprintf("wat? %s is a poor fuck and doesn't have that much to steal.", target.Nick)
+ return fmt.Sprintf("wat? %s is a poor fuck and doesn't have that much to steal.", target.Nick)
n := rand.Int63n(6)+1
- ret := fmt.Sprintf("%s rolls a d6 to steal %d %s from %s... It's %d! (<3 wins) ", player.Nick, amount, currency, target.Nick, n)
+ ret := fmt.Sprintf("%s is trying to steal %d %s from %s... It's %d", player.Nick, amount, currency, target.Nick, n)
if n < 3 {
- ret += "You win! Sneaky bastard!"
+ ret += "! You win! Sneaky bastard!"
player.Coins += amount
player.Anarchy += 1
target.Coins -= amount
} else {
- ret += fmt.Sprintf("You were caught and I took %d %s from your pocket.", (amount*2), currency)
+ ret += fmt.Sprintf("... You were caught and I took %d %s from your pocket.", (amount*2), currency)
player.Coins -= amount*2
@@ -195,9 +208,9 @@ func (g *WatGame) Steal(player *Player, fields []string) string {
func (g *WatGame) GetTarget(player, target string) (*Player, string) {
- t := g.db.User(target, "", false)
+ t := g.db.User(strings.ToLower(target), "", false)
if t.Nick == "" {
- return nil, "Who?"
+ return nil, "Who? wat?"
if t.Nick == player {
return nil, "You can't do that to yourself, dummy."
@@ -205,6 +218,11 @@ func (g *WatGame) GetTarget(player, target string) (*Player, string) {
return &t, ""
+func (g *WatGame) QuestStart(player *Player, fields []string) string {
+ // Begin a quest with some people. It will involve multiple dice rolls.
+ return ""
func (g *WatGame) Send(player *Player, fields []string) string {
if len(fields) < 3 {
return fmt.Sprintf("You forgot somethin'. send <nick> <%s>", currency)
@@ -247,24 +265,36 @@ func (g *WatGame) Mine(player *Player) string {
msg = "with wat? you go to get a pickaxe"
value = 0
} else {
+ player.Coins += value
msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s mined %d %s for %d and has %d %s", player.Nick, value, currency, delta, player.Coins, currency)
- player.Coins += value
player.LastMined = time.Now().Unix()
return msg
+func (g *WatGame) Watch(player *Player, fields []string) string {
+ if len(fields) > 1 {
+ maybePlayer, err := g.GetTarget("", fields[1])
+ if err != "" {
+ return err
+ }
+ player = maybePlayer
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%s's Watting: %d (%d) / Anarchy: %d (%d) / Trickery: %d (%d) / Coins: %d / Health: %d", player.Nick, player.Level(player.Watting), player.Watting, player.Level(player.Anarchy), player.Anarchy, player.Trickery, player.Trickery, player.Coins, player.Health)
func (g *WatGame) Balance(player *Player, fields []string) string {
balStr := "%s's %s balance: %d. Mining time credit: %d."
- balPlayer := *player
+ balPlayer := player
if len(fields) > 1 {
- balPlayer = g.db.User(fields[1], "", false)
- if balPlayer.Nick == "" {
- return "Who?"
+ var err string
+ balPlayer, err = g.GetTarget("", fields[1])
+ if err != "" {
+ return err
- return fmt.Sprintf(balStr, balPlayer.Nick, currency, balPlayer.Coins, balPlayer.LastMined)
+ return fmt.Sprintf(balStr, balPlayer.Nick, currency, balPlayer.Coins, time.Now().Unix()-balPlayer.LastMined)
func (g *WatGame) TopTen() string {
@@ -280,7 +310,7 @@ func PrintTwo(nick string, value int64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s (%d) ", CleanNick(nick), value)
-func (g *WatGame) megaWat(player *Player) string {
+func (g *WatGame) megaWat(player *Player, _ []string) string {
mega := rand.Int63n(1000000)+1
kilo := rand.Int63n(1000)+1
reply := ""