path: root/syncplay-bridge/syncplay-bridge
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'syncplay-bridge/syncplay-bridge')
1 files changed, 189 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/syncplay-bridge/syncplay-bridge b/syncplay-bridge/syncplay-bridge
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..20d8c5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syncplay-bridge/syncplay-bridge
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# dependencies: bash 4+, jq
+# original:
+# forked for LibertaCasa by Georg Pfuetzenreuter <>
+# notable changes: use of IRCv3 draft/relaymsg and NickServ authentication using PASS
+set -Cu
+#. ./
+#: "${verbose:=0}"
+#: "${}"
+#: "${syncplay_port:=8999}"
+#: "${syncplay_nick:=syncplaybridge}"
+#: "${syncplay_room:?"can't be empty"}"
+#: "${}"
+#: "${irc_port:=6667}"
+#: "${irc_nick:=syncplaybridge}"
+#: "${irc_channel:?"can't be empty"}"
+irc_channel='%%IRC_CHANNEL%%' #including channel prefix such as # or !
+irc_send() {
+ local args=("$@")
+ #echo "DEBUG: ARGS ARE - $args"
+ args[0]=${args[0]^^}
+ #echo "DEBUG: ARGS ARE - $args"
+ if (( ${#args[@]} > 1 )); then
+ args[${#args[@]}-1]=:${args[${#args[@]}-1]}
+ fi
+ printf '%s\r\n' "${args[*]}" >&"$irc_fd"
+ (( verbose )) && printf 'IRC %s==>%s %s\n' "$(tput setaf 1)" "$(tput sgr0)" "${args[*]}" >&2
+irc_getnick() {
+ local arg=$1
+ echo "$arg" | grep -Po "(?<=\<).*(?=\>)"
+irc_zwspnick() {
+ local arg=$1
+ local nick1="${arg:0:${#arg}/2}"
+ local nick2="${arg:${#arg}/2}"
+ printf "$nick1\u200b$nick2"
+irc_say() {
+ #echo "DEBUG: irc_say $irc_channel - $*"
+ local arg="$*"
+ #echo "DEBUG: irc_say ARG: $arg"
+ local msg="$(echo $arg | cut -d '>' -f 2 | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//')"
+ local nick="$(irc_getnick $arg)"
+ if [ -n "$nick" ]
+ then
+ local zwspnick="$(irc_zwspnick $nick)"
+ #irc_send relaymsg "$irc_channel" "$zwspnick/sp" "$msg"
+ irc_send relaymsg "$irc_channel" "$nick/sp" "$msg"
+ fi
+ #echo "DEBUG: irc_say NICK $zwspnick"
+ #echo "DEBUG: irc_say MSG $msg"
+ if [ -z "$nick" ]
+ then
+ irc_send privmsg "$irc_channel" "$msg"
+ fi
+irc_ctcp() {
+ local args=("$@")
+ args[0]=${args[0]^^}
+ irc_send notice "$sender_nick" $'\1'"${args[*]}"$'\1'
+syncplay_send() {
+ local msg=$(jq -nc "$@")
+ printf '%s\r\n' "$msg" >&"$syncplay_fd"
+ (( verbose )) && printf 'syncplay %s==>%s %s\n' "$(tput setaf 1)" "$(tput sgr0)" "$msg" >&2
+syncplay_say() {
+ syncplay_send --arg message "$*" '{Chat: $message}'
+on_exit() {
+ irc_send quit
+ kill $(jobs -p)
+exec {irc_fd}<> /dev/tcp/"$irc_host"/"$irc_port" || exit
+exec {syncplay_fd}<> /dev/tcp/"$syncplay_host"/"$syncplay_port" || exit
+trap on_exit exit
+irc_send pass "$irc_nickserv_nick:$irc_nickserv_pass"
+irc_send nick "$irc_nick"
+irc_send user "$irc_nick" 0 '*' 'Syncplay<->IRC'
+# patched version with server password attempt
+#syncplay_send --arg username "$syncplay_nick" --arg room "$syncplay_room" --arg password "$syncplay_password" \
+# '{Hello: {$username, password: $password, room: {name: $room}, realversion: "1.6.5"}}'
+syncplay_send --arg username "$syncplay_nick" --arg room "$syncplay_room" \
+ '{Hello: {$username, room: {name: $room}, realversion: "1.6.5"}}'
+while read -ru "$irc_fd" line; do
+ line=${line%$'\r'}
+ (( verbose )) && printf 'IRC %s<==%s %s\n' "$(tput setaf 2)" "$(tput sgr0)" "$line" >&2
+ sender= sender_nick=
+ args=()
+ if [[ $line == :* ]]; then
+ sender=${line%% *}
+ sender=${sender#:}
+ sender_nick=${sender%%!*}
+ line=${line#* }
+ fi
+ while [[ $line == *' '* && $line != :* ]]; do
+ args+=("${line%% *}")
+ line=${line#* }
+ done
+ args+=("${line#:}")
+ cmd=${args[0]}
+ set -- "${args[@]:1}"
+ case ${cmd,,} in
+ 001) irc_send join "$irc_channel";;
+ ping) irc_send pong "$1";;
+ privmsg)
+ target=$1
+ message=$2
+ #echo "DEBUG: $target"
+ #echo "DEBUG: $message"
+ if [[ $target == "$irc_nick" ]] && [[ $message =~ ^$'\1'(.*)$'\1'$ ]]; then
+ #echo "DEBUG: privmsg IF 1"
+ message=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
+ #echo "DEBUG: BASH REMATCH: $message"
+ read -r ctcp_cmd _ <<< "$message"
+ case ${ctcp_cmd,,} in
+ version) irc_ctcp version "syncplaybridge";;
+ esac
+ elif [[ "$target" == "$irc_channel" ]]; then
+ #echo "DEBUG: sender_nick IS $sender_nick"
+ if [[ ! "$sender_nick" == */sp ]]; then
+ #echo "DEBUG: privmsg IF 2"
+ if [[ $message =~ ^$'\1ACTION '(.*)$'\1'$ ]]; then
+ #echo "DEBUG: privmsg IF 2 $message MATCHES"
+ syncplay_say "* $sender_nick ${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
+ else
+ #echo "DEBUG: privmsg IF 2 DOES NOT MATCH"
+ syncplay_say "<$sender_nick> $2"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ esac
+done &
+while read -ru "$syncplay_fd" line; do
+ line=${line%$'\r'}
+ (( verbose )) && printf 'syncplay %s<==%s %s\n' "$(tput setaf 2)" "$(tput sgr0)" "$line" >&2
+ . <(jq <<< "$line" -r --arg self "$syncplay_nick" '
+ def irc($msg): @sh "irc_say \($msg)";
+ (.State // empty
+ | @sh "syncplay_send \"{State: {}}\""),
+ (.Chat // empty
+ | select(.username != $self)
+ | irc("<\(.username)> \(.message)")),
+ (.Set // empty
+ | .user // empty
+ | keys[0] as $nick
+ | .[$nick]
+ | (
+ (.event // empty
+ | irc("\($nick) \(if .joined then "joined the room" else "left the room" end)")),
+ (.file // empty
+ | irc("\($nick) is now playing \(.name)"))
+ )
+ )
+ ')
+done &