diff options
1 files changed, 225 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c64e4a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+display_result() {
+ dialog --title "$1" \
+ --no-collapse \
+ --msgbox "$result" 0 0
+menu() {
+ exec 3>&1
+ selection=$(dialog \
+ --backtitle "LibertaCasa IRC Services - Pounce Division -" \
+ --title "Welcome!" \
+ --clear \
+ --cancel-label "Exit" \
+ --menu "Please select:" $HEIGHT $WIDTH 4 \
+ "1" "Display active networks" \
+ "2" "Display disabled networks" \
+ "3" "Add new network" \
+ "4" "Enable network" \
+ "5" "Disable network" \
+ 2>&1 1>&3)
+ exit_status=$?
+ exec 3>&-
+get_networks() {
+ exec 3>&1
+ if [ $pouncedir = "" ]; then
+ exit
+ fi
+ pouncedir="/var/lib/pounce"
+ if ! $(find $pouncedir/users/$USER/$1 -mindepth 0 -maxdepth 0 -empty | grep -q .); then
+ user_choice=""
+ for i in $pouncedir/users/$USER/$1/*; do
+ FILENAME=$(basename "$i")
+ done
+ user_choice=$(dialog --backtitle "LibertaCasa IRC Services - Pounce Division -" \
+ --radiolist "Networks" 0 0 $COUNTER \
+ 2>&1 1>&3)
+ exec 3>&-
+ echo $user_choice > /tmp/userchoice
+ else
+ dialog --title "No entries found" \
+ --backtitle "LibertaCasa Pounce Configurator" \
+ --msgbox "There seem to be no $1 networks in your account." \
+ 10 60
+ user_choice=""
+ fi
+edit_network() {
+ tmpfile=$(mktemp /tmp/$USER.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)
+ cp $pouncedir/users/$USER/$1/$user_choice $tmpfile
+ nw_name=$user_choice
+ nw_hostname=$(egrep '(^|\s)host =' $tmpfile | sed 's/host = //' - )
+ nw_nickname=$(grep 'nick' $tmpfile | sed 's/nick = //' - )
+ nw_password=$(grep 'sasl-plain' $tmpfile | sed 's/sasl-plain = //' - )
+ nw_channels=$(grep 'join' $tmpfile | sed 's/join = //' - )
+ nw_away=$(grep 'away' $tmpfile | sed 's/away = //' -)
+ exec 3>&1
+ user_input=$(dialog --ok-label "Submit" \
+ --extra-button \
+ --extra-label "Delete" \
+ --backtitle "LibertaCasa IRC Services - Pounce Division -" \
+ --title "New IRC Network" \
+ --form "Network specific details:" \
+ 20 50 0 \
+ "Arbitrary name:" 1 1 "$nw_name" 1 10 20 0 \
+ "Hostname:" 2 1 "$nw_hostname" 2 10 20 0 \
+ "Nickname:" 3 1 "$nw_nickname" 3 10 20 0 \
+ "SASL Password:" 4 1 "$nw_password" 4 10 20 0 \
+ "Channels:" 5 1 "$nw_channels" 5 10 20 0 \
+ "Away message:" 6 1 "$nw_away" 6 10 20 0 \
+ 2>&1 1>&3)
+ exit_status=$?
+ exec 3>&-
+ echo $user_input > /tmp/userinput
+ tmp_name=$(echo "$user_input" | sed -n 1p)
+ tmp_hostname=$(echo "$user_input" | sed -n 2p)
+ tmp_nickname=$(echo "$user_input" | sed -n 3p)
+ tmp_password=$(echo "$user_input" | sed -n 4p)
+ tmp_channels=$(echo "$user_input" | sed -n 5p)
+ tmp_away=$(echo "$user_input" | sed -n 6p)
+ sed -e "s/$(egrep '(^|\s)host =' $tmpfile)/host = $tmp_hostname/" -i $tmpfile
+# sed -e "s/$nw_name/$tmp_name/" -i $tmpfile
+# sed -e "s/$nw_pasword/$tmp_password/" -i $tmpfile
+# sed -e "s/$nw_hostname/$tmp_hostname/" -i $tmpfile
+# sed -e "s/$nw_channels/$tmp_channels/" -i $tmpfile
+# sed -e "s/$nw_nickname/$tmp_nickname/" -i $tmpfile
+# sed -e "s/$nw_away/$tmp_away/" -i $tmpfile
+ DIFF=$(diff $pouncedir/users/$USER/$1/$user_choice $tmpfile)
+ if [ ! "$DIFF" = "" ]; then
+ cp $tmpfile $pouncedir/users/$USER/$1/$user_choice
+ fi
+ #rm $tmpfile
+ nw_name=""
+ nw_hostname=""
+ nw_nickname=""
+ nw_password=""
+ nw_channels=""
+ nw_away=""
+set_network() {
+ if [ $1 = "disabled" ]; then
+ mv $pouncedir/users/$USER/disabled/$user_choice $pouncedir/users/$USER/enabled/$user_choice
+ fi
+ if [ $1 = "enabled" ]; then
+ mv $pouncedir/users/$USER/enabled/$user_choice $pouncedir/users/$USER/disabled/$user_choice
+ fi
+remove_network() {
+ dialog --title "Delete network" \
+ --backtitle "LibertaCasa Pounce Configurator" \
+ --yesno "This will permanently delete the network configuration $USER/$user_choice - Are you sure?" 7 60
+ exit_status=$?
+ case $exit_status in
+ 0) rm -f $(find $pouncedir/users/$USER -type f -name "$user_choice");;
+ esac
+add_network() {
+ exec 3>&1
+ user_input=$(dialog --ok-label "Submit" \
+ --backtitle "LibertaCasa IRC Services - Pounce Division -" \
+ --title "New IRC Network" \
+ --form "Network specific details:" \
+ 20 50 0 \
+ "Arbitrary name:" 1 1 "$nw_name" 1 10 20 0 \
+ "Hostname:" 2 1 "$nw_hostname" 2 10 20 0 \
+ "Nickname:" 3 1 "$nw_nickname" 3 10 20 0 \
+ "SASL Password:" 4 1 "$nw_password" 4 10 20 0 \
+ "Channels:" 5 1 "$nw_channels" 5 10 20 0 \
+ "Away message:" 6 1 "$nw_away" 6 10 20 0 \
+ 2>&1 1>&3)
+ #3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-)
+ exec 3>&-
+ echo $user_input > /tmp/userinput
+ tmp_name=$(echo "$user_input" | sed -n 1p)
+ tmp_hostname=$(echo "$user_input" | sed -n 2p)
+ tmp_nickname=$(echo "$user_input" | sed -n 3p)
+ tmp_password=$(echo "$user_input" | sed -n 4p)
+ tmp_channels=$(echo "$user_input" | sed -n 5p)
+ tmp_away=$(echo "$user_input" | sed -n 6p)
+ if [ ! $tmp_name = "TEMPLATE" ]; then
+ cp $pouncedir/TEMPLATE $pouncedir/users/$USER/disabled/$tmp_name
+ sed -e "s/%%POUNCEDIR%%/$pouncedir/" -i $pouncedir/users/$USER/disabled/$tmp_name
+ sed -e "s/%%USER%%/$USER/" -i $pouncedir/users/$USER/disabled/$tmp_name
+ sed -e "s/%%NAME%%/$tmp_name/" -i $pouncedir/users/$USER/disabled/$tmp_name
+ sed -e "s/%%PASSWORD%%/$tmp_password/" -i $pouncedir/users/$USER/disabled/$tmp_name
+ sed -e "s/%%HOSTNAME%%/$tmp_hostname/" -i $pouncedir/users/$USER/disabled/$tmp_name
+ sed -e "s/%%CHANNELS%%/$tmp_channels/" -i $pouncedir/users/$USER/disabled/$tmp_name
+ sed -e "s/%%USERNAME%%/$tmp_nickname/" -i $pouncedir/users/$USER/disabled/$tmp_name
+ sed -e "s/%%AWAY%%/$tmp_away/" -i $pouncedir/users/$USER/disabled/$tmp_name
+ fi
+while true; do
+ menu
+ case $exit_status in
+ clear
+ echo "Good bye!"
+ exit
+ ;;
+ clear
+ echo "See you!" >&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ case $selection in
+ 1 )
+ #result=$(ls $pouncedir/users/$USER/enabled/)
+ #display_result "Enabled networks:"
+ get_networks "enabled"
+ if [ ! -z "$user_choice" ]; then
+ edit_network "enabled"
+ if [ $exit_status = $DIALOG_EXTRA ]; then
+ remove_network
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ 2 )
+ #result=$(ls $pouncedir/users/$USER/disabled/)
+ #display_result "Disabled networks:"
+ get_networks "disabled"
+ if [ ! -z "$user_choice" ]; then
+ edit_network "disabled"
+ if [ $exit_status = $DIALOG_EXTRA ]; then
+ remove_network
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ 3 )
+ add_network
+ ;;
+ 4 )
+ get_networks "disabled"
+ if [ ! -z "$user_choice" ]; then
+ set_network "disabled"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ 5 )
+ get_networks "enabled"
+ if [ ! -z "$user_choice" ]; then
+ set_network "enabled"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac