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A community with multiple interconnected services which provides a safe space for the discussion and dissemination
of various topics under the umbrella of Science, Philosophy, Politics and a general place to hang back and idle away.

There is a focus on supporting FOSS protocols.

You can also visit us over The Onion Routing protocol at our onion address.


    -Repeated harassment of any network user.
    -Distribution of child pornography.
    -Dealing of goods and using the network as a space for commericial operations.
    -Any denial of service against the network or its users.
    -Use of our network resources or services for malicious intent.
    -Connecting to the network for any reason using a compromised machine, including as a proxy or loading trojans or bots.
    -Unwanted advertisement of websites, IRC network, or channels (also known as spamming).
    -Evading bans, either those placed by network staff or by individual channels.
    -Impersonation of network staff or services.
    -Connecting through open proxies.
    -Any other behavior deemed inappropriate by network staff.

Services (Clearnet):


IRC | XMPP | Matrix | Jitsi Video Conferencing 

Search Engines:

SearX | YaCy


Private Bin | Gitea | Cytube - Watch together

Services (Tor):



Search Engines:

SearX | YaCy

Services (I2P):



Check our /git info page or head directly to the main repository.