from functools import partial from typing import ClassVar, Dict, List from django import forms from django.core.files import File from django.shortcuts import redirect from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator from django.views.generic import FormView, RedirectView from PIL import Image, ImageOps from core.models.config import Config, UploadedImage from users.decorators import identity_required @method_decorator(identity_required, name="dispatch") class SettingsRoot(RedirectView): pattern_name = "settings_profile" @method_decorator(identity_required, name="dispatch") class SettingsPage(FormView): """ Shows a settings page dynamically created from our settings layout at the bottom of the page. Don't add this to a URL directly - subclass! """ options_class = Config.IdentityOptions template_name = "settings/settings.html" section: ClassVar[str] options: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] layout: Dict[str, List[str]] def get_form_class(self): # Create the fields dict from the config object fields = {} for key, details in self.options.items(): config_field = self.options_class.__fields__[key] if config_field.type_ is bool: form_field = partial( forms.BooleanField, widget=forms.Select( choices=[(True, "Enabled"), (False, "Disabled")] ), ) elif config_field.type_ is UploadedImage: form_field = forms.ImageField elif config_field.type_ is str: if details.get("display") == "textarea": form_field = partial( forms.CharField, widget=forms.Textarea, ) else: form_field = forms.CharField elif config_field.type_ is int: form_field = forms.IntegerField else: raise ValueError(f"Cannot render settings type {config_field.type_}") fields[key] = form_field( label=details["title"], help_text=details.get("help_text", ""), required=details.get("required", False), ) # Create a form class dynamically (yeah, right?) and return that return type("SettingsForm", (forms.Form,), fields) def load_config(self): return Config.load_identity(self.request.identity) def save_config(self, key, value): Config.set_identity(self.request.identity, key, value) def get_initial(self): config = self.load_config() initial = {} for key in self.options.keys(): initial[key] = getattr(config, key) return initial def get_context_data(self): context = super().get_context_data() context["section"] = self.section # Gather fields into fieldsets context["fieldsets"] = {} for title, fields in self.layout.items(): context["fieldsets"][title] = [context["form"][field] for field in fields] return context def form_valid(self, form): # Save each key for field in form: if field.field.__class__.__name__ == "ImageField": # These can be cleared with an extra checkbox if self.request.POST.get(f"{}__clear"): self.save_config(, None) continue # We shove the preview values in initial_data, so only save file # fields if they have a File object. if not isinstance(form.cleaned_data[], File): continue self.save_config(, form.cleaned_data[], ) return redirect(".") class InterfacePage(SettingsPage): section = "interface" options = { "toot_mode": { "title": "I Will Toot As I Please", "help_text": "Changes all 'Post' buttons to 'Toot!'", } } layout = {"Posting": ["toot_mode"]} @method_decorator(identity_required, name="dispatch") class ProfilePage(FormView): """ Lets the identity's profile be edited """ template_name = "settings/profile.html" extra_context = {"section": "profile"} class form_class(forms.Form): name = forms.CharField(max_length=500) summary = forms.CharField( widget=forms.Textarea, required=False, help_text="Describe you and your interests", label="Bio", ) icon = forms.ImageField( required=False, help_text="Shown next to all your posts and activities" ) image = forms.ImageField( required=False, help_text="Shown at the top of your profile" ) def get_initial(self): return { "name":, "summary": self.request.identity.summary, "icon": self.request.identity.icon and self.request.identity.icon.url, "image": self.request.identity.image and self.request.identity.image.url, } def form_valid(self, form): # Update identity name and summary = form.cleaned_data["name"] self.request.identity.summary = form.cleaned_data["summary"] # Resize images icon = form.cleaned_data.get("icon") image = form.cleaned_data.get("image") if isinstance(icon, File): resized_image =, (400, 400)) self.request.identity.icon = icon if isinstance(image, File): resized_image =, (1500, 500)) self.request.identity.image = image return redirect(".") @method_decorator(identity_required, name="dispatch") class SecurityPage(FormView): """ Lets the identity's profile be edited """ template_name = "settings/login_security.html" extra_context = {"section": "security"} class form_class(forms.Form): email = forms.EmailField( disabled=True, help_text="Your email address cannot be changed yet.", ) def get_initial(self): return {"email":} template_name = "settings/login_security.html"