import pytest from users.models import Domain, Identity, User @pytest.mark.django_db @pytest.mark.xfail def test_webfinger_actor(client): """ Ensures the webfinger and actor URLs are working properly """ # Make a user user = User.objects.create(email="") # Make a domain domain = Domain.objects.create(domain="", local=True) domain.users.add(user) # Make an identity for them identity = Identity.objects.create( actor_uri="", username="test", domain=domain, name="Test User", local=True, ) identity.generate_keypair() # Fetch their webfinger data = client.get("/.well-known/webfinger?").json() assert data["subject"] == "" assert data["aliases"][0] == "" # Fetch their actor data = client.get("/").json() assert data["id"] == ""