import pytest @pytest.mark.django_db def test_webfinger_actor(client, identity): """ Ensures the webfinger and actor URLs are working properly """ identity.generate_keypair() # Fetch their webfinger data = client.get("/.well-known/webfinger?").json() assert data["subject"] == "" assert data["aliases"][0] == "" # Fetch their actor data = client.get("/", HTTP_ACCEPT="application/ld+json").json() assert data["id"] == "" @pytest.mark.django_db def test_webfinger_system_actor(client): """ Ensures the webfinger and actor URLs are working properly for system actor """ # Fetch their webfinger data = client.get( "/.well-known/webfinger?" ).json() assert data["subject"] == "" assert data["aliases"][0] == "" # Fetch their actor data = client.get("/actor/", HTTP_ACCEPT="application/ld+json").json() assert data["id"] == "" assert data["inbox"] == ""