{% extends "settings/base.html" %} {% block title %}Add Domain - Admin{% endblock %} {% block content %} <form action="." method="POST"> <h1>Add A Domain</h1> <p> Use this form to add a domain that your users can create identities on. </p> <p> Takahē supports multiple domains per server, but note that when identities are created they are <b>fixed to their chosen domain</b>, and you will <b>not be able to delete a domain with identities on it</b>. </p> <p> If you will be serving Takahē on the domain you choose, you can leave the "service domain" field blank. If you would like to let users create accounts on a domain serving something else, you must pick a unique "service domain" that pairs up to your chosen domain name, make sure Takahē is served on that, and add redirects for <tt>/.well-known/webfinger</tt>, <tt>/.well-known/host-meta</tt> and <tt>/.well-known/nodeinfo</tt> from the main domain to the service domain. </p> {% csrf_token %} <fieldset> <legend>Domain Details</legend> {% include "forms/_field.html" with field=form.domain %} {% include "forms/_field.html" with field=form.service_domain %} </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Access Control</legend> {% include "forms/_field.html" with field=form.public %} {% include "forms/_field.html" with field=form.default %} </fieldset> <div class="buttons"> <a href="{% url "admin_domains" %}" class="button secondary left">Back</a> <button>Create</button> </div> </form> {% endblock %}