0.4 === *Released: 2022/11/27* This release brings a whole set of new features during this alpha phase of the project: * Post editing * Post deletion * View replies under posts * Ability to post replies * Local-Only visibility for posts * Discoverability toggle for identities * Server defederation (blocking) * Revamped settings system with better validation * ARM64 Docker images (in addition to x64) In addition, bugfixes have been made to post creation, search, fanout, and more. Upgrade Notes ------------- Settings ~~~~~~~~ The settings system has changed, and affected some of our environment variable names. * ``PGHOST``, ``PGUSER`` and similar are still supported, but a new ``TAKAHE_DATABASE_SERVER`` env var is now the recommended way to configure - it takes a URI/DSN. * ``TAKAHE_EMAIL_HOST`` and ``TAKAHE_SENDGRID_API_KEY`` have been removed, and replaced with ``TAKAHE_EMAIL_SERVER``, that takes ``smtp://`` or ``sendgrid://`` URIs. * ``TAKAHE_MEDIA_BACKEND`` now expects a URI starting with ``s3://`` or ``gcs://``. You can see updated instructions of how to set all of these in :doc:`/installation`. Migrations ~~~~~~~~~~ There is one new database migration - it is backwards-compatible, so apply the migration *before* you update your webserver and stator deployments. Stator ~~~~~~ If you have low traffic, you may now run Stator via periodic fetch of a URL rather than a continuous background process. See :doc:`/installation` for more.