from sphinx.application import Sphinx from import DirectoryHTMLBuilder def setup(app: Sphinx): app.connect("html-page-context", canonical_url) def canonical_url(app: Sphinx, pagename, templatename, context, doctree): """Sphinx 1.8 builds a canonical URL if ``html_baseurl`` config is set. However, it builds a URL ending with ".html" when using the dirhtml builder, which is incorrect. Detect this and generate the correct URL for each page. Also accepts the custom, deprecated ``canonical_url`` config as the base URL. This will be removed in version 2.1. """ base = app.config.html_baseurl if ( not base or not isinstance(app.builder, DirectoryHTMLBuilder) or not context["pageurl"] or not context["pageurl"].endswith(".html") ): return # Fix pageurl for dirhtml builder if this version of Sphinx still # generates .html URLs. target = app.builder.get_target_uri(pagename) context["pageurl"] = base + target