from urllib.parse import urljoin from django.conf import settings from django.templatetags.static import static class RelativeAbsoluteUrl: """ Represents a URL that can have both "relative" and "absolute" forms for various use either locally or remotely. """ absolute: str relative: str def __init__(self, absolute: str, relative: str | None = None): if "://" not in absolute: raise ValueError(f"Absolute URL {absolute!r} is not absolute!") self.absolute = absolute self.relative = relative or absolute class AutoAbsoluteUrl(RelativeAbsoluteUrl): """ Automatically makes the absolute variant by using either settings.MAIN_DOMAIN or a passed identity's URI domain. """ def __init__(self, relative: str, identity=None): self.relative = relative if identity: absolute_prefix = f"https://{identity.domain.uri_domain}/" else: absolute_prefix = f"https://{settings.MAIN_DOMAIN}/" self.absolute = urljoin(absolute_prefix, self.relative) class StaticAbsoluteUrl(RelativeAbsoluteUrl): """ Creates static URLs given only the static-relative path """ def __init__(self, path: str): static_url = static(path) if "://" in static_url: super().__init__(static_url) else: super().__init__( urljoin(f"https://{settings.MAIN_DOMAIN}/", static_url), static_url )