from django import forms from django.http import JsonResponse from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, redirect, render from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator from django.views.generic import FormView, TemplateView, View from activities.models import ( Post, PostInteraction, PostInteractionStates, PostStates, TimelineEvent, ) from core.ld import canonicalise from core.models import Config from users.decorators import identity_required from users.shortcuts import by_handle_or_404 class Individual(TemplateView): template_name = "activities/post.html" def get(self, request, handle, post_id): self.identity = by_handle_or_404(self.request, handle, local=False) self.post_obj = get_object_or_404(self.identity.posts, pk=post_id) # If they're coming in looking for JSON, they want the actor accept = request.META.get("HTTP_ACCEPT", "text/html").lower() if ( "application/json" in accept or "application/ld" in accept or "application/activity" in accept ): # Return post JSON return self.serve_object() else: # Show normal page return super().get(request) def get_context_data(self): return { "identity": self.identity, "post": self.post_obj, "interactions": PostInteraction.get_post_interactions( [self.post_obj], self.request.identity, ), } def serve_object(self): # If this not a local post, redirect to its canonical URI if not self.post_obj.local: return redirect(self.post_obj.object_uri) return JsonResponse(canonicalise(self.post_obj.to_ap(), include_security=True)) @method_decorator(identity_required, name="dispatch") class Like(View): """ Adds/removes a like from the current identity to the post """ undo = False def post(self, request, handle, post_id): identity = by_handle_or_404(self.request, handle, local=False) post = get_object_or_404( identity.posts.prefetch_related("attachments"), pk=post_id ) if self.undo: # Undo any likes on the post for interaction in PostInteraction.objects.filter(, identity=request.identity, post=post, ): interaction.transition_perform(PostInteractionStates.undone) else: # Make a like on this post if we didn't already PostInteraction.objects.get_or_create(, identity=request.identity, post=post, ) # Return either a redirect or a HTMX snippet if request.htmx: return render( request, "activities/_like.html", { "post": post, "interactions": {"like": set() if self.undo else {}}, }, ) return redirect(post.urls.view) @method_decorator(identity_required, name="dispatch") class Boost(View): """ Adds/removes a boost from the current identity to the post """ undo = False def post(self, request, handle, post_id): identity = by_handle_or_404(self.request, handle, local=False) post = get_object_or_404(identity.posts, pk=post_id) if self.undo: # Undo any boosts on the post for interaction in PostInteraction.objects.filter( type=PostInteraction.Types.boost, identity=request.identity, post=post, ): interaction.transition_perform(PostInteractionStates.undone) else: # Make a boost on this post if we didn't already PostInteraction.objects.get_or_create( type=PostInteraction.Types.boost, identity=request.identity, post=post, ) # Return either a redirect or a HTMX snippet if request.htmx: return render( request, "activities/_boost.html", { "post": post, "interactions": {"boost": set() if self.undo else {}}, }, ) return redirect(post.urls.view) @method_decorator(identity_required, name="dispatch") class Delete(TemplateView): """ Deletes a post """ template_name = "activities/post_delete.html" def dispatch(self, request, handle, post_id): self.identity = by_handle_or_404(self.request, handle, local=False) self.post_obj = get_object_or_404(self.identity.posts, pk=post_id) return super().dispatch(request) def get_context_data(self): return {"post": self.post_obj} def post(self, request): self.post_obj.transition_perform(PostStates.deleted) return redirect("/") @method_decorator(identity_required, name="dispatch") class Compose(FormView): template_name = "activities/compose.html" class form_class(forms.Form): text = forms.CharField( widget=forms.Textarea( attrs={ "placeholder": "What's on your mind?", }, ) ) visibility = forms.ChoiceField( choices=[ (Post.Visibilities.public, "Public"), (Post.Visibilities.local_only, "Local Only"), (Post.Visibilities.unlisted, "Unlisted"), (Post.Visibilities.followers, "Followers & Mentioned Only"), (Post.Visibilities.mentioned, "Mentioned Only"), ], ) content_warning = forms.CharField( required=False, label=Config.lazy_system_value("content_warning_text"), widget=forms.TextInput( attrs={ "placeholder": Config.lazy_system_value("content_warning_text"), }, ), help_text="Optional - Post will be hidden behind this text until clicked", ) reply_to = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput(), required=False) def clean_text(self): text = self.cleaned_data.get("text") if not text: return text length = len(text) if length > Config.system.post_length: raise forms.ValidationError( f"Maximum post length is {Config.system.post_length} characters (you have {length})" ) return text def get_initial(self): initial = super().get_initial() initial[ "visibility" ] = self.request.identity.config_identity.default_post_visibility if self.reply_to: initial["reply_to"] = initial["visibility"] = self.reply_to.visibility initial["text"] = f"@{} " return initial def form_valid(self, form): post = Post.create_local( author=self.request.identity, content=form.cleaned_data["text"], summary=form.cleaned_data.get("content_warning"), visibility=form.cleaned_data["visibility"], reply_to=self.reply_to, ) # Add their own timeline event for immediate visibility TimelineEvent.add_post(self.request.identity, post) return redirect("/") def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs): # Grab the reply-to post info now self.reply_to = None reply_to_id = self.request.POST.get("reply_to") or self.request.GET.get( "reply_to" ) if reply_to_id: try: self.reply_to = Post.objects.get(pk=reply_to_id) except Post.DoesNotExist: pass # Keep going with normal rendering return super().dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs) def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) context["reply_to"] = self.reply_to return context