# This file is shipped as part of the Takahe package. # Author: Georg Pfuetzenreuter # Hostname or IP address of the database server PGHOST= # Name of the database PGDATABASE= # Username and password to authenticate to the database with PGUSER= PGPASSWORD= # Random string - generated during installation TAKAHE_SECRET_KEY=__REPLACE_ME__ # Domain Takahe is being served on TAKAHE_MAIN_DOMAIN= # Email address to be promoted as an Administrator - set and uncomment this only for the first start, then comment it again # TAKAHE_AUTO_ADMIN_EMAIL= # Set to true if Takahi is being served behind a reverse proxy TAKAHE_USE_PROXY_HEADERS=true # Directory to store media files in TAKAHE_MEDIA_ROOT=/srv/takahe/media # URL media files are being served from TAKAHE_MEDIA_URL= # IP address and port for the Gunicorn server to bind to BIND='[::]:8000'