# Cronjob for Restic Backup to Wasabi S3 # Created and last modified: 20/07/2021 # georg@lysergic.dev MAILTO=system SHELL=/bin/sh #This will make a deduplicating (is that the right word?) backup every day at 23:00 and send an email to system@lysergic.dev as well as #universe 0 22 * * * restic /opt/restic/run.sh |& mail -s "[S3 Backup] - $(hostname -f) - $(date)" ircsystem #This will remove everything except the last 30 days worth of snapshots every two days at 22:30 0 4 */2 * * restic /opt/restic/cleanup.sh |& mail -s "[S3 Cleanup] - $(date)" ircsystem