--- - name: Pick hard- and software # not needed, can be pulled from hostvars set_fact: vcpus: "{{ nb_vm.json.results[0].vcpus | int }}" os: "{{ nb_vm.json.results[0].platform.name }}" # - name: Pick virtual hardware specifications # # not needed, part of hostvars # set_fact: # memory: "{{ nb_vm.json.results[0].memory }}" # disk: "{{ nb_vm.json.results[0].disk }}" tags: - init_dp - name: Pick metadata set_fact: id: "{{ nb_vm.json.results[0].id }}" site: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['sites'][0] }}" status: "{{ nb_vm.json.results[0].status.value }}" # # not needed, part of hostvars # #tags: "{{ nb_vm.json.results[0].tags[0].slug }}" # #tags: "{{ nb_vm.json.results[0].tags | sum(start=[]) | map(attribute='slug') }}" tags: - init_dp