groups: - name: lysergic-wireguard_exporters rules: - alert: mercury-wireguard-down expr: wireguard_peer_last_handshake_seconds{device="wg0", instance="localhost:9586", job="wireguard-mercury", public_key="$WG0_PUBKEY"} - time() <- 125 for: 10s labels: job: wireguard-mercury severity: CRITICAL project: LYSERGIC annotations: title: WireGuard {{ $labels.instance }} is down description: 'Failed to scrape {{ $labels.job }} on {{ $labels.instance}} for more than 2 minutes. Uplink to Psyched seems down. Affected services: Global infrastructure monitoring. Other outages might no longer be tracked. Urgent investigation is advised.' - alert: lysergic-wireguard-down expr: wireguard_peer_last_handshake_seconds{project="LYSERGIC",device!="wg1"} - time() <- 130 for: 10s labels: job: wireguard-lysergic severity: CRITICAL project: LYSERGIC annotations: title: WireGuard Incident description: 'No handshakes for {{ $labels.device }} in {{ $labels.job }} on {{ $labels.instance}} have been exchanged for an extended amount of time. Critical services could be affected.'